Story of the single race

Mar 20, 2017
2 min read


Everything happens on Saint-Petersburg-Moscow highway. My Subaru Outback fight with a 500hp Mercedes. Full throttle, but Mercedes is always in front of me because of his powerful engin>

After about a 100 km of that fight I catched up him, Benz was staying on the side of the road with opened hood. Like a winner I passed by him, but my glad was not too long. After a 1km more, I heard the strange, bad noises from the engine.

On a high rpms with lowering the high temperature viscosity HTHS lower the 2.6 the wear is increasing critically.

Later, after disassembling of the engine, the mechanics told me, that the main reason is the oil-starving in cylinders, probably due to the overheating of the engine and the thinning of the oil film. Then I understood, which price we pay for a break of that oil film and I started looking for a preventive solution.

After reading a mass of forums at OilClubs, i found one interesting graph, whish helps me to understood what happening. It turned out that at high engine rpm wear increases critically if the HTHS viscosity is lowering! Viscosity lowers due to long time of overloading the engine. This especially important, when oil change time is coming and oil additives are dissapearing. I had only 500 km till the oil change! And if’d know about HTHS stabilisers…

Turned out, that there is a special product, which allows to protect HTHS viscosity and its called iMagnet P14. Now it’s my product, and I always use it at 3-4kkm after oil change.

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