Checking engines for lacquer deposits after oil VMPAUTO

Oct 18, 2024
7 min read

Friends. Looking through comments to publications and reviews about our engine oils, we have repeatedly come across those where skeptics expressed doubts that the engines will remain clean after prolonged use of “such oil”. They say that after a couple of oil changes, everything under the valve cover will be either brown or at least gold-plated.

Skeptics believe that after VMPAUTO oil, this will be the case.

Today we want to show you what is going on under the valve covers of cars that have been running on our oil for more than a thousand kilometers.

Let’s say at once: all pictures under the valve cover are made with an endoscope. Why didn’t we dismantle the valve covers and take regular photos? The thing is that it is sometimes quite difficult or expensive to remove the valve cover. For example, in order to do it on the engine of LADA LARGUS CROSS, you need to almost half pull the engine out of the under-hood space. We are talking about the engine VAZ-21129. In other cars, when dismantling the valve cover, the regulations require complete replacement of all the gaskets. That also brings certain inconveniences and risks in connection with the difficulties in acquiring original spare parts. And sometimes the owner of the car was simply against the fact that the engine was opened. This is where the endoscope came to the rescue. Looking into the engine through the oil filler neck with it is a couple of trifles.


VAZ-21129 engine
Timing parts under the valve cover
Car mileage

This vehicle was one of the first to start running on our oil. In February 2023, it even went on a test run with VMPAUTO 5W-30 A3/B4 oil prepared in laboratory conditions. Since then, the LARGUS crankcase has been filled exclusively with our company’s oil. During this time the car has already accumulated about 36000 km on VMPAUTO oil and has gone through more than one oil change. And in most cases the engine was poured not commercial, but experimental oils. For example, now it is operated on 0W-40 oil on SP package. The total mileage of LADA LARGUS CROSS today is 94282 km. and there are no problems with engine health. Under the valve cover is clean.


Engine 2.0 SKYACTIV
Timing parts under the valve cover
Car mileage

A representative of the Japanese automobile industry, which is actively operated on our oil. Oil 5W-30 A5/B5 was first poured into the engine of this СХ-5 at the turn of 77000 km. This car is a record-breaker in our list in terms of mileage and number of oil changes. Now it has already 156000 km on its odometer, and it means that it has driven 79000 km on our oil in total and its ninth oil change is coming soon. The oil in the engine is changed once in 10000 km. However, here under the valve cover there is no lacquer scale or deposits.


Engine 2.0 SKYACTIV
Timing parts under the valve cover
Car mileage

This car started to be operated with our oil right after the dealer’s service station 1. The first filling of VMPAUTO 5W-30 A5/B5 oil was at the mileage of 18000 km. Today the CX-5 has already about 40000 km on the odometer. All this time it is also operated on VMPAUTO oil with a replacement interval of 7500 km. To be fair, it should be noted that for the first few thousand kilometers the endoscope camera was a frequent guest both in the cylinders of this car and under the valve cover. The owner of the car had certain concerns about the condition of the engine. Now it is done on an ad hoc basis. Or like this time: to show you that everything is as clean under the valve cover of MAZDA CX-5 as it was when it came off the assembly line.


Engine 1GD-FTV
The timing parts are under the valve cover.
Car Mileage

This SUV with a turbocharged diesel engine has been running on our oil for the last 40000 km. The owner zealously monitors the technical condition of the vehicle and notices even such nuances that another driver would not even pay attention to. So, in particular, at one time he noted that after switching to VMPAUTO oil the frequency of soot filter burning has significantly decreased. He associates this solely with switching to our oil, because he did not change his driving style or gas station. The mileage of TOYOTA Hilux at the moment is almost 113000 km. The oil in the engine is changed every 10000 km. Since the engine is diesel, the oil adsorbs a lot of soot during operation. However, there is no soot on the head and timing parts under the valve cover.


K4M engine
Timing parts under the valve cover
Car mileage

The owner of this Duster decided to switch to our oil after having some difficulties in purchasing the original oil recommended by the manufacturer. The oil is changed in the engine every 10000 km. It has been almost 40000 km since the owner switched his car to our oil. As you can see, under the valve cover after switching from the original oil to our oil, it did not become dirtier. Or maybe on the contrary, it became cleaner. Anyway, now the block head and timing parts are absolutely clean. The total mileage of the car is 164,228 km. A little bit more and the next replacement. And again the owner of Duster plans to fill our oil.

We hope you found this information useful.

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